Author: OurCrowd

[Pixie in Inc.] The top 30 Internet of Things experts

I caught a Verge interview with Robert Scoble a few years ago predicting that the Internet of Things (IoT) will be an important development to watch. And I say, oh, he just got lucky. Then I see Gerd Leonhard, say that data was the new oil and that IoT will exploit those reserves in a massive “data rush”. Then I say, really Mr. Leonhard? I’ll see your data rush and raise you 15 billion data hungry IoT devices: Cisco’s IoT Connections Counter. Both of those insights, if you check the dates, were over 5 years ago. And it’s worth noting that IoT search volume at the time was just a trickle. Read more in...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company Pixie featured in Inc.

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Pixie published a list of ‘The Top 30 Internet of Things Experts’ in Inc., a leading monthly publication and website focused on growing companies. Pixie is both a technology platform and a consumer product with the goal of keeping the things that matter to you — and to others — in sight. To be sure, IoT is still in its infancy, but the details are getting clearer. As more and more devices are connected to the internet it’s apparent that the data between these connected physical devices will help people lose weight, drive smarter (or go driverless) take better care of our children, and monitor our homes […] The thing is, we still can’t appreciate what the future holds for IoT. But we can turn to experts that are researching and subsequently communicating about the importance of the space in order to prepare for it […] These thought-leaders have become the voices alerting the masses to what’s legit, what’s over-hyped, and what’s about to change our lives for good. To recognize these trustworthy, educated, and socially savvy voices, Pixie commissioned...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company Cimagine featured in The Times of Israel

OurCrowd portfolio company Cimagine was featured in The Times of Israel, an English-language news website covering Israel, the region & the Jewish world. Cimagine hopes to boost sales and increase consumer confidence by providing a mobile platform on which to visualize merchandise three dimensionally in their intended locations. From a small office in Yokne’am, an Israeli startup is supplying the technology for the largest-ever experiment in augmented reality (AR) technology to Shop Direct, the UK’s fourth largest retailer. Using the company’s technology, Shop Direct has now digitized images of about 1,000 pieces of furniture. Using an app and a smartphone, customers can see exactly how the furniture would look in their living rooms or bedrooms without having to enter a showroom. Moreover, Cimagine said, shoppers can visualize these items in their homes from any angle or distance, at 10 times higher resolution than the industry standard. Cimagine raised $389,071 from OurCrowd investors in July 2014. Read more on The Times of...

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Join us (online) to meet OurCrowd’s President and learn about the future of the crowd

Join us for our upcoming webinar with Anthony DeChellis, OurCrowd’s new president. Anthony will present the changing investing ecosystem and how the wisdom of the crowd will soon rule the world of finance. Meet OurCrowd’s President: Anthony DeChellis on the state of individual investing and the future of the crowd Take this opportunity to meet OurCrowd’s new president, Anthony DeChellis, who brings to the discussion his extensive experience in the private banking and institutional finance world. Anthony previously served as CEO of Private Banking Americas at Credit Suisse, headed Private Wealth Management at UBS, and held a range of leadership positions at Merrill Lynch, including Manager of the European Private Banking Business. The Changing Relationship Between Investors and Investments Tuesday, March 31st (7:00 PM Israel / 12:00 PM NYC / 9:00 AM San Francisco) In this webinar, we will explore: The changing investment ecosystem: The evolution of the advisor-investor relationship and the trends to watch For the people, by the people: Moving from passive investing to participatory investing via crowdfunding Wisdom of the crowd: How individual investors as a collective are driving...

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