It’s that time of year! Join us for the next eight days for what’s become an OurCrowd tradition: highlighting during Hanukkah — the festival of lights – the top eight Israeli tech trends that spark the interest of our investment team and what they see on the ground.

Trend #6: Video Tech

Behind the trend:

Video has been the top focus of online marketing and advertising in recent years and shows no indication of disappearing as a promotional preference in 2016. With Google’s decision to include video-based advertisements in search, and Twitter and Facebook testing auto-play video in their user’s feeds, it’s clear the industry’s biggest players believe the market is ready to accept more video as advertising.

This is in no small part due to our current obsession with promoting ourselves via video through apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope, or Vine. Last month, Snapchat announced that it had six billion video views a day. Also last month, Instagram launched its second video app – Boomerang –that combines photos and one-second videos that run in loops backwards and forwards.

What’s up next:

Video is definitely still one of the hottest trends in personal tech, but what’s the next generation technology?

Last year it was time lapse videos using stabilization technology. This year, BriefCam brings us products powered by Video Synopsis technology, which offer a powerful set of video review tools for locating events of interest rapidly and accurately. As video use increases, there is an acute need for technologies that can assist users in browsing massive quantities of footage effectively, say the company’s founders. BriefCam’s current products focus on surveillance needs (i.e. eliminate the need for scanning hours of footage to identify a crime) but have a wide range of possibilities for future commercial use.

Other examples of video tech companies include billion-dollar tech unicorn Kaltura, an open source online video platform; Israeli startup Interlude, a digital media company developing and marketing interactive video technologies, founded by Israeli musician Yoni Bloch; and Meerkat (formerly AIR and Yevvo), billed as the Twitter of live streaming, the app allows users to share a live video stream with their followers at any time.


Check back with us each night of Hanukkah to learn about another tech trend sparking the Startup Nation!

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