Equity Crowdfunding

Anthony DeChellis Appointed President of OurCrowd

Boom. We are very happy to announce today that Anthony DeChellis, former CEO of Private Banking Americas at Credit Suisse, has joined us as the President of OurCrowd, operating out of the firm’s New York office. Prior to Credit Suisse, DeChellis was head of Private Wealth Management at UBS and ran Private Banking in Europe for Merrill Lynch. “Anthony DeChellis has joined OurCrowd because equity crowdfunding has become a major force in disrupting the future of capital markets,” said OurCrowd CEO, Jon Medved.  “Crowdfunding is now competing with traditional sources of capital by delivering more efficient investment flows driven by transparent and collaborative processes. DeChellis, who ran wealth management businesses at three of the world’s largest banks, now brings to OurCrowd his critical global perspective and proven industry leadership.” Anthony DeChellis commented, “I am pleased to be joining the equity crowdfunding market leader OurCrowd, which is bringing capital to entrepreneurs with ground breaking efficiency.  OurCrowd has opened up opportunities for investors who were previously shut out of this alternative asset class. Broadening the VC investor community should serve to not only democratize wealth creation opportunities, but also enhance the probability of success for those companies who engage and...

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What We’re Investing In: Current investment opportunities on OurCrowd (January 2015)

OurCrowd’s portfolio growth is expanding: this month, featured opportunities include innovative companies in the medical technology and cyber security spaces. Stay tuned – there are more deals to be announced before the end of the month; bookmark this post to view the next deals. TheraCoat: Hydrogel-based drug delivery A major pain point for pharmacologists when developing drugs is finding a substance that can efficiently deliver the needed medication before the body’s natural fluids wash it away. TheraCoat’s Intracavity Drug Retention System (ICDR) was created to solve that very problem. Their patent-protected substance liquefies when in cool temperatures and hardens in hot temperatures. The ICDR is mixed with the necessary drug and taken in liquid form. When the liquid reaches the cavity, body heat causes the substance to harden and stick to the walls of the cavity. This enables the drug to be emitted at a slow, consistent rate, without being washed away by the body’s fluid. So far, TheraCoat has experienced significant early traction, conducting a number of successful test trials and securing regulatory clearance in a number of...

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OurCrowd’s smart investor’s guide to successful startup investing

Disruption is the hallmark of a startup serious about success. In the last few decades, nearly every major global industry has undergone a renaissance thanks to at least one innovative entrepreneur’s vision to solve a problem. It turns out, venture capital investing is no exception to this phenomenon. Before OurCrowd and other equity crowdfunding platforms came along, only people willing to write big checks and those well-connected professionals could get access to competitive, vetted deals. Now, individual angel investors can access the same deal flow as top tier venture capital firms, giving them the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing. This new, broadened access, however, comes with responsibility. In order to succeed and see the huge returns we so often read about, investors need to get self-educated on best practices and strategies for how to decipher the winners from the losers. The investment professionals at OurCrowd put together the following comprehensive guide to help empower you with the knowledge needed to become an independent venture capitalist. Download this free eBook to get: Startups...

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Going Up: OurCrowd’s 2014 Year In Review [Infographic]

In 2014, OurCrowd reached new heights investing in Israeli and global startups. As we continue to build on the strong foundation we set down just two years ago, OurCrowd managed to shatter records and rise even higher as a leader on the equity crowdfunding scene. To name a few: With ReWalk, we celebrated the first equity crowdfunding-backed IPO We kicked off the largest investment round in the history of equity crowdfunding Members from the OurCrowd investor community now hail from 94 countries worldwide Our deal flow team has seen a total of 3,000 startups from across the globe Check out the full OurCrowd Year in Review below – and join us as we continue to climb throughout 2015 by signing up at...

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Teach In Tuesdays: Join us (online) to learn why investors are riding the bicycle sharing market

Each month OurCrowd has hundreds of investors from around the world join us for online events from our webinar series called Teach-In-Tuesdays. In this series, we explore investing in early-stage Israeli and global companies, identify and explain influential tech trends, stay up-to-date with the crowdfunding industry, and examine actionable insights from our own experience running OurCrowd’s investment platform. During December, we will be hosting an educational webinar on Tuesday, December 30th, as part of our Teach-In-Tuesdays series. Register for the event below. Pedal-driven innovation: Why investors are riding the bicycle sharing market Lately, we’ve been seeing more and more industries touched by the sharing economy, a business model built on the sharing of human and tangible resources. Today, within the startup culture in both Israel and beyond, there are plenty of sectors building on the concept, including social lending, accommodation, travel, and commute. Bike share, a billion dollar opportunity growing 25% yearly, is the fastest growing mode of public transport globally and currently one of the hottest sectors within the sharing economy industry. Join David S. Rose, an Inc. 500 CEO, serial entrepreneur and a...

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