Author: OurCrowd

[Bionaut Labs in Labroots] Micro-robots that can deliver drugs to treat brain cancer

Scientists have developed tiny, microscopic robots with the capability to swim through the bloodstream, enter the brain, and deliver therapeutic payloads to brain tumors. Two biotech companies, Bionaut Labs and Candel Therapeutics, recently announced their joint venture to deliver novel drugs to the brain to fight brain cancers. Their plan is to combine Candel’s oncolytic viral drug and Bionaut’s remote controlled microrobots in order to effectively target hard-to-reach brain tumors. Read more...

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[Arbe Robotics in Autobala] Improve the visibility of self-driving cars

For highly automated vehicles, it is important to see what is in front of and around the vehicle. But if you look at the empty space, you can literally fill in the blanks to get a more complete picture. Arbe Robotics Ltd., a leader in advanced driver assistance systems and 4D imaging radar systems for autonomous driving, will highlight free space mapping, a key improvement in perceptual programming and sensors. Read more...

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[Beyond Meat in TechCrunch] After years of pilots, Beyond Meat’s Fried Chicken goes nationwide at KFC

I’ve long been of the opinion that you can deep fry just about anything to make it edible. But such opinions haven’t stopped KFC and Beyond from entering into a years-long pilot of Beyond Fried Chicken to perfect the recipe for mass consumption. The pair started their first trial way back in August of 2019, with a limited test run at a store in Atlanta. KFC says the location sold out of its stock in less than five hours. Read...

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