Author: OurCrowd

OurCrowd Events in December

Meet OurCrowd across the US in December at a series of roadshow events and speaking engagements featuring founder and CEO Jon Medved and the latest additions to OurCrowd’s portfolio companies, Highcon, Surgical Theater, and Abe’s Market. Be sure to RSVP on the links below. Space is limited! About Surgical Theater, Highcon and Abe’s Market: Surgical Theater    Surgical Theater has developed software that combines the science of flight simulation with advanced CT/MRI imaging technology to allow surgeons to perform a 3D “flight simulation” of surgery before and during the actual operation. Its Surgery Rehearsal Platform (SRP) is uniquely positioned as the only commercial, patented and FDA cleared platform for cerebral and spine pre-surgery rehearsal on the market. Abes Market    Abe’s Market is a fast growing e-commerce company focused on the explosive health, wellness, natural, and organic products market. It leverages its growing network of sellers and buyers to bring in new fans and drive growth in a vast market. They focus on quality, hand-test products and developing relationships with their customers. HighCon   Highcon is a company that takes 3-D packaging to the next level, led by the Godfather of Israel’s printing...

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High-Tech Hanukkah: 8 Israeli tech trends for 8 crazy nights

We’re celebrating Hanukkah in Israel right now, a time for latke eating, dreidel spinning and candle lighting festivities. There is a lot to celebrate (and be thankful for — Thanksgivukkah FTW!) in startup land this year. Last year OurCrowd took the opportunity to highlighted some of the tech trends seen in the Startup Nation in a series of blog posts 8 Israeli Tech Trends for 8 Crazy Nights. Since 2013 turned out to be such a successful year, we thought it would be a good time to look back at last years trends and see how far they’ve come and what we have to look forward to in the future. So, Happy Hanukkah and enjoy! 8 Israeli tech trends for 8 crazy nights Trend 1: Social Driving Interestingly, many of the most popular driving apps have been developed in Israel. The solutions tend to cluster around overlaying social with driving data to aid navigation and parking. Check out the trend here. Trend 2: The Quantified Self This trend reflects how the tie-in between hardware and the smartphone is getting tighter and tighter. People are getting more...

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OurCrowd portfolio company Argo (ReWalk) featured on CNN

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Argo (ReWalk) was featured on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront”. Erin Burnett spoke with a ReWalk customer who shared his story and how the device changed his life. She also interviewed ReWalk inventor Amit Goffer on how the idea for robotic trousers came about. The CNN piece notes that “it is nothing short of amazing” that Argo’s ReWalk exoskeleton enables to walk again. Argo (ReWalk) raised $1,280,000 from OurCrowd investors in June 2013. View the video below or play it on CNN here....

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The Trendlines Group crowdfunding portal is online now

The Trendlines Group launched an OurCrowd-powered online investment portal for four early stage companies featured on the recent Trendlines-OurCrowd roadshow. The portal uses OurCrowd’s crowdfunding approach to investment to open the four Trendlines companies’ rounds to investors looking to commit $10K and up, where Trendlines companies traditionally required larger commitments. If you missed or couldn’t attend one of the full events during the roadshow, find the Trendlines investment portal online here. The four companies on the roadshow and currently raising on the investment portal are: CoreBone: Coral-based bone graft material (watch the presentation) Gordian Surgical: Novel trocar with built-in closure device (watch the presentation) ProArc Medical: Minimally invasive solution for enlarged prostate (watch the presentation) SensoGo: Portable gait analysis system (watch the presentation) For more information, visit the online portal or contact us. Photos from the...

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