The information contained on this page has been compiled, as of its date of publication, with considerable care to ensure investors are informed. The purpose of this page is to provide you with general information about qualified investors residing in Singapore.
The information provided should not be considered as investment or other advice or a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold a particular investment. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

OurCrowd’s platform is currently set up to accept members with a “Qualified”, “Accredited”, “Sophisticated”, or “Professional” accreditation status in their country of residence. What are the criteria, and what actions are required on your part? We have a general answer for you below. Please note: for specific questions about the qualifications of your investor status, contact OurCrowd.

Why must I be accredited or be a qualified investor?
Early stage, privately-held companies are high-risk investments, and therefore many countries require individuals to meet certain financial criteria before being allowed to participate in these investments.

What are the overall criteria of qualification/accreditation?
OurCrowd follows the rules of your country of residence – the one in which you pay taxes. These rules vary country by country, but many address the following two questions:

  1. What are the criteria to qualify as a Qualified/Accredited investor, e.g., what is the minimum level of income and/or net worth, and the knowledge and experience investors need to meet in order to participate in certain types of investments?
  2. What proof do investors have to give in order to proof they meet these criteria?

🇸🇬 Criteria of qualification for investors residing in Singapore:

According to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Securities and Futures Acts (SFSA), in Singapore, to be an Accredited Investor, one must have at least:

  1. Personal assets that exceed in value SGD$ 2,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency), or
  2. Financial assets (net of any related liabilities) that exceed in value SGD$ 1,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency), where “financial assets” consist of:
    • A deposit as defined in section 4B of the Banking Act, Chapter 19 of Singapore; or
    • An investment product as defined in section 2(1) of the Financial Advisers Act, Chapter 110 of Singapore; or
    • Any other asset as may be prescribed by regulations made under section 341 of the SFA; or
    • Whose income in the preceding 12 months is not less than SGD$ 300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency). 

🇸🇬 Paperwork for investors residing in Singapore:

Qualitative Test and Opt-in Written Consent: Based on the information you provide us, we conduct an assessment on whether you qualify as an “accredited investor” followed by information about your investor registration, qualification, and the appropriate information about your rights.  Next, you as an investor need to declare in writing that you wish to be registered as accredited investor. This grants you full access to OurCrowd’s site.

Once your personal financial situation is reviewed, and we have assessed you to be an accredited investor, you will be granted the option to invest in one of our portfolio companies. The accredited investor must provide information of any change in circumstance that might affect the investor’s qualifications.

🇸🇬 Opt-out Regime:

Under the new opt-in regime (2019), if you are an Accredited Investor (AI) and you wish to continue to be treat as an AI, then you must first give us consent and sign our statement wherein we explain that we have assessed you to be eligible to qualify as an AI, and we will treat you as an AI, followed by a clear explanation in plain language the effect of consenting to being treated as an AI, in sufficient detail to allow you to make an informed decision whether to consent to be treated as an AI or not.

For more information: If you have any questions about the accreditation process, don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance.