OurCrowd portfolio company BriefCam was featured in the Times of Israel, an English-language news website covering Israel, the region & the Jewish world. BriefCam develops and sells video analysis software that is capable of creating synopses of long clips and identifying and tracking objects and activities. Its advanced algorithms allow users to review dozens of hours of footage from a multitude of sources in minutes, with multiple events overlaid in a semi-transparent view.

With [BriefCam’s] system, specific security incidents and events can be quickly isolated, and investigations into incidents go much more quickly. Instead of having to watch endless hours of nothing happening, BriefCam automatically finds the portion of the footage that shows something happening.

Earlier this year, BriefCam’s technology was used to set up a video surveillance system at one of America’s greatest landmarks, the Statue of Liberty. The BriefCam system was part of an overall solution by US security company Total Recal to totally revamp the video security system using top of the line and state of the art technology, replacing the previous system, which had been badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

BriefCam raised $2,235,670 from OurCrowd investors in September 2014.

Read more on the Times of Israel here.