Author: OurCrowd

OurCrowd’s Portfolio Company Consumer Physics Featured on Fox Business

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Consumer Physics, developer of  the world’s first affordable molecular sensor – the Scio –  that fits in the palm of your hand, has been featured on Fox Business, a leading American business news television channel.  In the segment, Consumer Physics CEO Dror Sharon discusses the company’s molecular scanning device that allows users to check the calorie count and freshness of foods. Seeded by OurCrowd and top tier Silicon Valley VC Khosla Ventures, Consumer Physics raised $3,300,000 from OurCrowd investors in its 2nd round of funding in May 2014. Consumer Physics has just emerged from stealth mode with the launch of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. View the video below or play it on Fox Business here. Watch the latest video at...

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Cashing In: How to Make Money Investing in Startups

OurCrowd launched a new webinar series called ‘Teach-In Tuesdays’. In this series, we’ll explore investing in early-stage Israeli companies, identify and explain influential tech trends, stay up-to-date with the crowdfunding industry, and examine actionable insights from our own experience running OurCrowd’s investment platform. Yesterday, we held a webinar as part of the OurCrowd Teach-In Tuesdays series on the investment strategies necessary to build and maintain a successful startup portfolio. By nature, startup investments are a high risk/high reward asset class. Knowledge, therefore, is key in maximizing your profit potential when investing in startups. Additional topics covered in the webinar: The startup math that investors use to profit from their investments Understanding how companies’ valuations change over time and what that means for your investments How OurCrowd and other startup investors see an eventual return on their investment and how those returns are calculated As promised on the webinar, here is a link to download the excel sheets we used to discuss the various methodologies behind startup valuations. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Be on the lookout for our next webinar: Shopping for Security: Why Investors Are Excited About the Cyber Security Market...

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4 Awesome Upcoming Tech Conferences in the Startup Nation

Israel, as the ‘Startup Nation’, is well known for its technological ingenuity, entrepreneurial spirit and bubbling startup scene which are well reflected in the great tech conferences happening here throughout the year. OurCrowd’s portfolio company Bizzabo, a networking platform that integrates social media to build interactive event communities for event organizers and attendees, put together a list some of the most innovative and disruptive conferences taking place in Israel this spring. Check them out below! MIXiii Israel Innovation Conference 2014 – May 20th “The two things that go together better than PB&J is Israel and Innovation. The rumors are true, Israel is THE Startup nation! But, this event sheds light on so much more. This unique and exciting new conference is something you don’t want to miss.” The MIXiii Israel Innovation conference and exhibition will take place at the Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center on May 20-22, 2014. EcoMotion 2014 – May 22nd “The coolest Un-conference this season is EcoMotion! They cover tons of topics on smart transportation, one of the most important and innovative sectors today. This two-day event is one you need to attend.” EcoMotion...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company MUV Interactive featured on Bloomberg TV

OurCrowd’s portfolio company MUV Interactive, developer of a pioneering solution that’s enabling users to turn any surface into a touchscreen, was featured on Bloomberg Television. In the segment, MUV Interactive founder & CEO, Rami Parham, demonstrates for Bloomberg TV’s Middle East Editor, Elliot Gotkine, how to use MUV Interactive’s technology. MUV Interactive raised $902,000 from OurCrowd investors in August 2013. View the video below or play it on Bloomberg...

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