Author: OurCrowd

Rev your engines: Expert panel explores what’s next in autonomous driving

At this year’s CES, driverless car technology was not just one of the hottest trends, it was THE hot trend.” – OurCrowd Investments Partner David Stark “Safety is the main reason that this will become the norm, not just a fancy feature for premium cars.” – Mobileye VP of Business Development Yonah Lloyd Science fiction writers and fans have been dreaming up self-driving cars for almost 100 years. In July, CNBC reported Google’s claim that autonomous cars will finally be available to consumers as early as 2020. It seems that nothing is putting the brakes on driverless cars, and the startup scene is helping drive the industry forward into safer territory with companies like Cruise, Delphi, Valeo, and Israel’s very own Mobileye, a technology company that develops vision-based advanced driver assistance systems providing warnings for collision prevention and mitigation. OurCrowd recently hosted a live conversation with Yonah Lloyd, VP of Business Development at Mobileye; Greg Moran, Co-Founder and CEO of Zoomcar; and Steven Millward, editor-in-chief of Tech in Asia, each bringing their unique viewpoint as we explore what’s next in autonomous driving. The conversation was...

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The Future Car: Driving the next generation of automobile technology

Henry Ford’s Model T is not famous for being the first car; in fact, there were several automobiles built in the decades before his. But the Model T is famous for being the car that ushered in a new era, not just of transportation – but of life. In other words, Ford’s model, because it could be mass produced at an affordable cost to consumers, disrupted the world. In 1908, the Model T ushered in a new era of transportation dominated by personal automobile ownership, giving people freedom of movement much greater than that provided by wagons, trains and the earlier, more expensive versions of cars. The development had far-reaching social and economic implications, including the emergence of the middle class and the development of suburbs. Now, more than a century after Ford began building the Model T, the car industry is again seeing great disruption, with the likes of driverless cars and the sharing economy setting the stage for another revolution with accompanying social and economic changes. Until recently, most changes and developments in the automobile industry revolved...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company EdenShield featured in The Times of Israel

OurCrowd’s portfolio company EdenShield was featured in The Times of Israel, an English-language news website covering Israel, the region & the Jewish world. EdenShield are the producers of a novel plant extract from the Israeli Judean Desert that makes crops odorless to pests, preventing multi-billion dollar crop damage. EdenShield, a portfolio company of Trendlines Agtech, develops insect-control solutions derived from natural plant extracts. The products are nontoxic, so they pose no danger to growers or consumers. And they can be used throughout the growing period, especially during the critical pre-harvest period. According to D. Todd Dollinger of the Trendlines Agtech accelerator, EdenShield’s products “have the capacity to make a major impact on our food chain, making production more efficient and consumption healthier.” EdenShield raised $712,000 from OurCrowd investors in 2014. Read more on The Times of Israel...

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[WayUp in Business Insider] How a 20-year-old NYU student paid his $48,000 tuition bill in a year

New York University is notoriously expensive. Its tuition and fees are among the highest in the US, at about $48,000 a year. On top of that, the cost of living in New York City makes room and board pretty pricey: $17,580. After factoring in books, transportation, and personal expenses, students can expect to pay $70,974 a year, the university predicts. That could be a recipe for a student-loan horror story. But not for one NYU sophomore: Long Island native Eric Hu is paying his tuition bill as he goes. Read more on Business...

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