Author: OurCrowd

[PRESS RELEASE] Honda Opens Door to Israeli Tech Community

Silicon Valley/Jerusalem, January 21, 2016 – Seeking new opportunities for collaboration, Honda will formally engage the Israeli tech community for the first time in a plenary address at the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit, to be held January 25th in Jerusalem. Drawn in by mobility start-ups pursuing vehicle intelligence technologies, apps and software, along with several notable exits, Honda executives and engineers from Japan and North America will descend on the two-day summit. Honda has engaged OurCrowd, the world’s leading equity crowdfunding platform, to access its portfolio companies and facilitate introductions to notable innovators and entrepreneurs. Read more...

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[Replay Technologies in The Australian] Intel and Replay Technologies put sport fans in the 3D director’s chair

Camera technology coupling 360-degree capability with 3-D is changing the world. For starters, it’s the basis for the new marvel of virtual reality. You don a headset, look up, down and around, and experience the illusion of being in another world. It could be elsewhere on planet Earth, on a roller-coaster, in the ocean or weirdly immersed inside a cartoon. But there’s more to 360-degree tech and 3-D than that. In his keynote address at the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich announced a collaboration with Israeli company Replay Technologies that takes the instant replay in sport to another level. Read more in The...

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5 Innovative Technologies Tackling Women’s Health Challenges

In the United States, heart disease is the number one cause of death in women, responsible for about 1 in 4 female deaths. But only 54% of women realize this, and many are not diagnosed until it is too late. In fact, 64% of women who die of coronary disease do not have any previous symptoms, or at least do not recognize such symptoms, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Another disease, cervical cancer, which when caught early can be treated with much success, can be fatal if not detected. Of the 275,000 women who die each year around the world from this disease, 85% are in poor countries, where screening is not as accessible as in the United States and Europe. As we see here, in the field of women’s health, there are a number of factors, including perception, education, and access to care that can mean the difference between life and death. These statistics are sobering, but there are many changes in progress that leave room for optimism, including developments in the high-tech field. There...

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Internet of Things: The next wave of our connected world

A system called the Iron Dome intercepts rockets before they can hit the ground, saving human lives. A farmer using an application called CropX sets his irrigation system to deliver more water to certain parts of his field and less to others, increasing food yields while conserving resources. Two ancient human challenges, warfare and farming, have been completely transformed due to technology that increasingly connects all objects, ranging from hostile missiles to green sprouts of wheat. About 28 billion ‘things’ will be connected to the internet by 2020, according to a recent Harvard Business Review report. As advances zoom forward with the help of the sector known as Internet of Things, or IoT, the world is on a path to increasing connectivity, setting us up for myriad social and economic changes. The first internet-connected device that was not a computer was a toaster. In 1990, John Romkey created a toaster that could be switched on and off over the internet, following the challenge of Interop Internet host Dan Lynch. Although this started off as nearly a joke, the technology...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company Syqe featured in TechCrunch

Leading technology website, TechCrunch, featured OurCrowd’s portfolio company Syqe Medical. The company has developed a pocket-sized metered-dose cannabis inhaler, poised to become the most advanced and versatile inhalation-based drug delivery platform of its kind. While the government is deliberating new reforms to expand Israel’s cannabis industry, it’s likely that the so-called reforms will cause more problems than they will solve, as is often the case with government meddling. The proposal will also have to pass several committees before it’s voted on in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament). Luckily, Israeli startups know better than to wait for the government to act. In January, Cigarette conglomerate Philip Morris International announced that it will invest $20 million in Syqe Medical, an Israeli start-up that developed the world’s first precision metered dose inhaler for medical use, according to Israeli news site Calcalist. Syqe raised $2,232,593 from OurCrowd investors in June 2015. Read more on...

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