Author: OurCrowd

Gone Global: Why did Israel emerge as a world-leading startup ecosystem?

Much has been written about Israel’s emergence as one of the leading startup ecosystems in the world, but less effort has been made to truly understand why the Startup Nation has achieved this global recognition and level of success. Some of our favorite explanations for what makes Israel a thriving launch pad of technological innovation include: a pervasive pioneering ethos; in a way, Israel itself is a ‘startup’ among hi tech countries large immigrant populations with international networks and experience an informal culture and social structure hutzpah – you know it when you see it a tolerance for high-risk startup founders are cultural icons and role models small geographic area allows for leveraging tight-knit, interconnected networks the military provides training in leadership, teamwork and exposure to cutting-edge technologies Each of these reasons are worth exploring in their own right, but the reason for Israel’s success we want to focus on here is the idea that Israeli startups go global from day one. With a population of only 8 million people spanning 8,000 sq. miles, the country presents a very small domestic business opportunity for most...

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[Forbes] Meet The Man Democratizing Venture Capital For Everyday Investors and Founders

Serial Entrepreneur Jonathan Medved is democratizing venture capital for investors and founders through his own startup, OurCrowd, headquartered in Jerusalem. Named a Wall Street Journal ‘investment of the week’, OurCrowd is a hybrid of angel investing and venture capital. Medved, one of Israel’s leading venture capitalists, founded OurCrowd in 2013 and, despite recent downward trends on global markets, is holding his own with investments that have resulted in more than a few successful exits and a stable return. I spoke with him recently to learn more about his revolutionary business...

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[Sight Diagnostics in Geektime] Meet the Israeli startup that could stomp out malaria in Africa and India

For generations, malaria has taken a heavy toll on third world populations. It still ravages certain parts of the world. Among nearly 200 million cases last year, 438,000 people died of the disease in 2015 according to the World Health Organization; 90% of those were deaths in Africa. Yet there has been little change in diagnostics for decades. Analysis can sometimes take weeks and be inaccurate. But one Israeli startup is betting that it has broken new ground in battling the pervasive disease. Read more about Sight Diagnostics in...

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Experience Passover in the Startup Nation with OurCrowd

Passover is just one month away, and as you make your plans to visit Startup Nation, we want to take the opportunity to invite our investor community to celebrate with us at OurCrowd’s Annual Passover Event. Join us for breakfast on April 28th in Jerusalem and meet with OurCrowd’s team, fellow accredited investors, and founders & CEOs from the OurCrowd portfolio. There will good food, great drinks, wonderful company and stellar presentations, including some of our latest investment opportunities. When April 28, 2016 8:30am-10:30am Where Jerusalem Space is limited. Please register here. Registration closes Monday, April 18th We hope to see you there and wish you a festive holiday! For more information about OurCrowd events, please contact ABOUT OURCROWD OurCrowd is one of the world’s leading equity crowdfunding platforms for accredited investors to invest in Israeli and global companies. Managed by a team of seasoned investment professionals and led by serial entrepreneur Jon Medved, OurCrowd vets and selects opportunities, invests its own capital, and brings startups to its accredited membership of 10,000 global investors. OurCrowd investors must meet stringent accreditation criteria and invest...

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[Pixie in the Times of Israel] The Most Successful Israeli Startups

Israel has become a very popular place for entrepreneurs to launch their startups, Tel Aviv in particular has become home for many tech based and other startups. This is because brilliant businessmen and women who have graduated from Israeli universities had dreams of making it big, even outside their country. If someone will look into the number and variety of Israeli startups that have found global success, it becomes clear that those bright entrepreneurs fully achieved their goals. Here are some of the most successful Israeli startups that have been launched in the past couple of years. Read more in the Times of...

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