Author: OurCrowd

We’re Hiring! Career opportunities at OurCrowd (May 2016)

OurCrowd is growing and currently looking for extraordinary people to join the team behind its leading, innovative and industry-altering crowd investing platform. So, if you’re hoping to get your foot in the high-tech industry door, are dreaming about growing your career in the exciting startup ecosystem, or know someone looking for a job in the hottest markets, you’ve come to the right place! OurCrowd offers competitive benefits and salary with opportunities to grow in a fast-paced work environment. Take a look at the full job descriptions for the following positions below: Deal Flow Analyst; Jerusalem. Relationship/Sales Manager; Jerusalem. Senior Full-Stack Developer; Herzliya. Junior Web developer; Herzliya. Join us and become a part of our unparalleled team! All CVs should be sent to If you don’t see a position that fits your background but are still interested in being part of the growing OurCrowd family, check out the listings here for the chance to work for some of our awesome portfolio companies and become part of the growing OurCrowd family! ———- Deal Flow Analyst Location: Jerusalem Job description: Interact with hundreds of CEOs each year in an effort to identify...

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[Amitree in Samsung Insights] Real Estate Technology and Mobile Collaboration

Other approaches to mobile collaboration include the Chrome extension Folio from Amitree, which helps busy real estate agents organize and manage deals right from their email inboxes by searching for keywords and phrases that identify all transaction-related email threads, and then automatically categorizing the emails, files and contacts related to each transaction. Read more on Samsung Insights...

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[Memic & MST in Israel21c] 7 Israeli robots that are transforming surgery

Robotic or robot-assisted surgery can give doctors better vision, precision, flexibility and control when performing complex minimally invasive procedures. Someday, surgeons will even use robotic tools to operate through the Internet, bringing modern medical techniques to remote parts of the world. Only a handful of surgical robots currently are approved for use, and Israelis developed three of them. Read more in...

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[Highcon in Ynet (hebrew)] The Israeli company that changed the world of printing

בסוף החודש (31 במאי) תיפתח תערוכת “דרופה” (drupa) – תערוכת הדפוס ועולם המדיה, המתקיימת אחת לארבע שנים בדיסלדורף שבגרמניה. מי שבינתיים מסומנת להיות הדבר הבא בתערוכה הנחשבת לגדולה והחשובה בעולם עם ארבע מאות אלף מבקרים ואלפי מציגים היא חברה ישראלית – חברת הייקון (Highcon), שבפיתוח אחד הצליחה לשנות את התהליך האנלוגי של חיתוך וקיפול האריזות שהיה קיים במשך 150 שנה לתהליך דיגיטלי מלא. השוק הבינלאומי בתחום החיתוך והקיפול מוערך כיום בכ-80 מיליארד דולר בשנה ועבור הייקון בפרט ולייצוא הישראלי בכלל מדובר במכרה זהב של ממש. בינתיים נמכרו עשרות מכונות בכל רחבי העולם, ובחודשים האחרונים פיתחה החברה את הדור הבא, אותו היא תציג לראשונה בתערוכה. Read more in...

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A Look at the Cybersecurity Industry: Q&A with BioCatch CEO Eyal Goldwerger

The real challenge that cybersecurity companies and clients face is identifying a problem that can be solved in a narrow way, taking a technology and making a product, deploying it in a way that will be compatible with the ecosystem of the client, and making it actionable in a way that will demonstrate our [skill]. Imagine a sense of security on the internet, where the identity of website users is known and secure based on how fast or slow they swipe their fingers across the touchscreen of a phone or tablet, and how much theirs hands shake. Such a patented cybersecurity system exists, and its name is BioCatch. By deriving a cognitive biometric profile, BioCatch is changing authentication, identifying criminal behavior, and reducing fraud. Today we work with banks in a wide array of use cases and applications. BioCatch’s behavioral biometrics’ value proposition spans the spectrum of fruad detection and user authentication, providing both security and usability. OurCrowd recently interviewed portfolio company BioCatch’s CEO Eyal Goldwerger about the company and cybersecurity sector, discussing how financial institutions worldwide are searching for solutions against the growing threat...

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