Author: OurCrowd

Burning up the wires: Media coverage of OurCrowd’s $72M funding round

Yesterday, OurCrowd announced the closing of $72 million series C funding round. The announcement generated a lot of buzz and news coverage across various media outlets. We wanted to share some of the results and compiled several of the top news stories for you. Check out our media coverage highlights below: Bloomberg Israel’s OurCrowd Raises $72 Million to Boost Crowdfunding Deals “With $36 million earmarked for OurCrowd’s operations, it’s the largest pure equity investment in a crowdfunding company, according to Crowdnetic, a New York-based research firm.” TechCrunch OurCrowd raises another $72M to build out its equity crowdfunding platform “What’s interesting about OurCrowd — which is based out of Israel — is that helps startups tap into certain sources of funding more directly than they might have done in the past: while a family office might have been an LP at a venture capital fund that backed a startup, now that family office might choose to engage more immediately via OurCrowd’s platform.” Wall Street Journal OurCrowd Raises $72M for Crowdfunding Gambit (PDF version) “Equity crowdfunding platform OurCrowd has raised a $72 million Series C round, much...

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[TechCrunch] OurCrowd raises another $72M to build out its equity crowdfunding platform

“OurCrowd, the crowdfunding platform that gives backers equity in the companies they support, today announced that it has raised $72 million in a Series C round of funding. Half of the capital will be used to build out its offices globally and develop its platform; and half will be used to match investments made on OurCrowd, according to OurCrowd’s CEO Jon Medved.” Read more on TechCrunch...

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[Bloomberg] Israel’s OurCrowd Raises $72 Million to Boost Crowdfunding Deals

“OurCrowd Ltd., a website that connects investors to a pool of mostly Israeli and U.S. startups, said it raised $72 million to expand its operations and invest in other businesses. Jon Medved, the chief executive officer and co-founder of OurCrowd, said the new funds will be split evenly between the venture arm and the company itself, which plans to use the money to open more offices around the world. The Jerusalem-based equity crowdfunding platform has a global network of 15,000 investors and has helped facilitate $300 million in investments to 100 startups since it was founded in 2013.” Read more on Bloomberg...

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Growing Innovation with OurCrowd’s GreenTech Portfolio [Infographic]

As awareness and concern grow about the impacts of global environmental issues, both individuals and companies are demanding transparency and smarter solutions for everything from energy use management to food supply and agriculture. GreenTech startups have been at the forefront of innovation and creativity, finding new ways to leverage technology to help solve environmental problems and protect our planet. Furthermore, the innovation in this field is attracting the attention of venture capitalists and tech industry leaders who recognize the enormous opportunities for investment and growth. OurCrowd itself has history and experience with investing in and growing GreenTech companies, and has recently announced the launch of Radicle, an accelerator fund dedicated to growing early stage agricultural technology startups into proven industry leaders. As we continue to build, grow, and invest in sustainable technologies, we’re pleased to share the following infographic capturing the scope of some of the amazing GreenTech companies in OurCrowd’s portfolio. See the growth potential of this infographic? Pass it forward and share it with your friends! To find out more about GreenTech and investment opportunities on our platform, contact our Investor Relations team or visit our...

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