Author: OurCrowd

[Bizzabo in The Huffington Post] From 360-degree live mobile video (with example) to copywriting: A recap from social media marketing world 2017

The event app. Bizzabo, the event platform used, made it easy to see the layout of the event, get information about the speakers, and even follow #SMMW17 on Twitter through the app. But I think many participants would have loved a cleaner calendar feature—a way to easily build out all the sessions they were attending so the details could quickly be pulled up. Read more on The Huffington Post...

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[OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved in Crowdfund Insider] Catching up with OurCrowd Founder & CEO Jon Medved to discuss global equity crowdfunding dynamism

Fresh from the most successful OurCrowd Global Investor Summit 2017, Israeli serial entrepreneur and OurCrowd co-founder and CEO, Jon Medved has become one of the most vocal and engaging advocates in the global investment crowdfunding sector. OurCrowd vets and selects opportunities, invests its own capital, and brings companies to its accredited membership of global investors. In the last month alone, Medved made the prominent funding marketplace even stronger, partnering with German energy company innogy and the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, proving that multinational crowdfunding is more than just a possibility. In less than five years, Medved and his OurCrowd team have not only amassed nearly 17,000 accredit investors from over 110 countries, celebrated 13 exits, 2 IPOs and 11 acquisitions, raised over $400M into 110 companies and funds, and vetted 5,500 companies, OurCrowd continues to lead the global equity crowdfunding sector for accredited investors. Read more on Crowdfund Insider...

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[Intuition Robotics in Smithsonian] How will artificial intelligence help the aging?

For the past month or so, a small group of older adults in San Francisco has been learning to engage with a talking device named ElliQ. It’s more desk lamp than archetypal robot—think of the hopping light at the beginning of Pixar movies. But while ElliQ is meant to sit on a table or nightstand, it’s all about movement, or more accurately, body language. Like Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, ElliQ talks. But it also moves, leaning toward the person with whom it’s speaking. It lights up, too, as another means of engagement, and uses volume and sound effects to distinguish its messages. Read more on Smithsonian here....

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[DarioHealth in MobiHealthNews] DarioHealth sees record revenues in 2016, sets sights on global market, reimbursement and big data profits in 2017

A year after receiving FDA clearance for their smartphone-connected glucometer, Israel-based DarioHealth is in good shape, reporting record revenues, an increasing user base and big plans to expand with payers, new markets and partnerships to monetize big data. On an earnings call, DarioHealth CEO Erez Raphael told investors the fourth quarter of 2016 “seriously advanced” the company in the United States. After receiving the CE Mark in 2013 for the DarioHealth system – which consists of a pocket-sized device that includes a glucose meter, disposable test strip cartridge, a lancing device and a companion smartphone app – the company moved onto Canada in 2015 and then the United States in 2016, and is now eyeing a global presence. Read more on MobiHealthNews...

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