OurCrowd portfolio company Global Kinetics was featured in Business Insider, an American business and technology news website. Global Kinetics’ lead product, the Parkinson’s KinetiGraph™ movement recording, is a unique and useful tool for neurologists in the management of movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s Disease.

Israeli equity crowdfunding platform OurCrowd has closed Australia’s single largest equity crowdfunding round – $1.5 million for private Australian mobile health technology company Global Kinetics Corporation.

The money is for GKC to commercialise the Parkinson’s KinetiGraph, used by doctors to assess and manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The funding will help the company’s US expansion, following recent FDA clearance.

Global Kinetics raised $1,185,246 from OurCrowd investors in February 2015.

Read more on Business Insider here.