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                                                      Startup Roundup

Parko: hunt for a parking spot  

The average Tel Avivian spends about a year of life trawling through traffic on the frustrating hunt for a car park, according to municipal statistics.
That may seem like a lot, but it’s on par with the world’s other big cities, according to IBM’s Global Parking Survey 2011.
Now, there’s an app for that. And it’s one of the products of Israel’s burgeoning technology startup scene… Read more


                                                     Technology Corner

3D Printer's Next Stop: Your Mouth

As 3D printing progresses into new fields, Israeli company Stratasys continues to push the envelope with its latest product – a 3D printer specially designed to print products for small orthodontic labs and clinics, like stone models, orthodontic appliances, delivery and positioning trays, clear aligners, retainers and surgical guides.
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 Trending Israeli Entrepreneurs 

Israeli Teens Science Project Could Bring Algea ‘Superfood’ To Africa

Liquid algae may taste like sushi which is unknown in poor parts of Africa, but it is easy to grow with basic equipment like old plastic bottles, and it is packed full of protein – a veritable superfood. Just ask the Japanese who consume algae and algae derivatives as a way of life. Now, kids from an Israeli highschool are perfecting an algae growing system… Read more


Israeli cyber-specialist hacks Facebook – agin.

An Israeli cyber-security specialist saved some major face for Facebook this year. This phenomenon of hackers taking down big websites and letting them know about it is know as 'White Hatters'… Read more

Israel's IonRoad awarded $250K in Qualcomm's mobile app contest

Qualcomm grants Israeli-created safety road app a total of $250,000 in venture capital, after it beat out apps from around the world… Read more




                                             OurCrowd's News Nuggets

Israeli startup Viewbix releases HTML5 studio for monetizing mobile video (TNW)

Accel Closes $475 Million Fund Focused on Israel & Europe (Bloomberg)

Israeli company developes lollipop that helps you loose weight (Israel21C)

Israeli firm finds serious security breach in the iPhone (NoCamels)

A look into Israel's startup culture (Bloomberg)

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