Author: Rivka Coleman

[Corelight in Intelligent CIO] How Corelight is helping organisations strengthen their security

As organisations around the world face numerous security challenges, implementing robust security measures, leveraging advanced technologies and fostering continuous improvement are becoming critical steps. In this article, Vijit Nair, Sr. Product Director at Corelight, details how to protect digital assets in a connected world. He uncovers the path to fortify defences and explains how Corelight is helping organisations enhance their security posture and drive significant growth. Read...

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[BlueGreen Water Technologies in Startup News] How a tiny Utah town elimnated toxic algal blooms in its reservoir

Across the world, lakes, rivers, and streams are being poisoned and choked by toxic algal blooms. The most common culprit is cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae because of its tendency to turn previously pristine bodies of water a suspicious shade of teal. These blooms are health hazards for humans, pets, and fish, and they can take a toll on local economies that rely on revenue from tourists looking to get out on the water in the warmer months. Read more...

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