Author: OurCrowd

Taking Stock of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange: What investors need to know to get involved

Stock exchanges have multiple roles in any economy, such as raising capital for businesses, profit sharing, and facilitating company growth, to name just a few. The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange is no different in its efforts to grow an economy that is emerging on to the world’s center stage. History of the Exchange Securities trading in Israel dates back to 1935. However, it wasn’t until 1953 that the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) officially began its operations. A decade after the exchange was founded, the TASE Clearing House was created to carry out payments on behalf of companies and clear all securities transactions conducted on and off of the exchange. In the early ’90s, the TASE introduced a derivatives market where investors could now be a part of stock market indicies, options, and currency trading. Later that decade, in 1997, the exchange introduced the Tel Aviv Continuous Trading (TACT) system. This automated system allowed for the continuous and simultaneous trading that was transparent for all investors, bringing Tel Aviv’s exchange on to the technological forefront. The TASE Today As the only...

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You are what you wear: Wearable Tech from the Startup Nation

“You are what you eat,” goes the age old saying. “You are what you wear,” would be the modern adaption of this well known proverb. From “smart” watches that sync to your phone, to contact lenses that measure diabetics glucose levels, wearable technology is rapidly spreading to all facets of technology. Today, May 12th, 2014 marks Israel’s first wearable technology conference in Tel Aviv. Israeli technology leaders and wearable tech pioneers such as Robert Scoble, Steven Manna and Jonathan Medved will be present for what should be a memorable event. Here is an outline of the recent success and traction experienced in the wearable technology industry that has entrepreneurs and investors alike excited for what should be “the next big thing.” Headlines and Exits Major media outlets announced on Wednesday, March 26th that Facebook had reached a $2 billion agreement to acquire Oculus VR, the maker of a virtual reality headset. The purchase indicated that Facebook intends to enter the arena of competitors trying to give users a live 3-D experience through wearable technology: “Imagine enjoying court side seats at a game, studying...

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Crowdfunding, the Statue of Liberty and the Future of Finance

Crowdfunding is booming. The industry has come a long way since the first crowdfunding projects surfaced a few years ago. Going forward, crowdfunding is likely to take on many forms, expand globally and become the preferred model for investment. Given the recent surge in its activity and popularity, here is a quick beginner’s guide discussing the origins and different types of crowdfunding platforms available for investment today. What Is Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is the pooling of resources to create or maintain an initiative from a large number of backers—the “crowd.” Projects supported through crowdfunding, usually online by means of a web platform, can range from nonprofit or charity organizations, political campaigns, creative projects (i.e.- supporting an artist, gallery, director, film etc.) or a financing campaign to fund a startup company. The Oxford dictionary definition for crowdfunding reads: [Noun] The practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. History of Crowdfunding Crowdfunding has a long and rich history with roots going back hundreds of years. Crowdfunding originates in the concept of crowdsourcing,...

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3 Due Diligence Lessons the Small Investor Can Learn from the “Big Guys”

This guest post was written by Rafi Musher, founder and CEO of global strategy consulting firm Stax Inc. and its business-incubator affiliate Stax Development Corporation (DevCorp). He is also founder of Israel and Co., a non-profit that brings current and future business leaders to Israel to get a firsthand, working knowledge of Israeli innovation. When backing a startup, early-stage or fast-growth company, you certainly want to get smart about the capabilities of the management team and general trends in the industry. Once you have that nailed, it’s time to talk tachles, or practical details in Modern Hebrew. At Stax, due diligence is our bread and butter. In 20 years of helping corporations and private equity firms—including more than a dozen of the top 25 LBO firms in the world—make significant investment decisions, we’ve seen that the most important element for commercial due diligence is getting to the the customer. Lesson #1: Is The Company Solving A Real Problem? What is the need this product or service is trying to address? If you’re looking at a technology company, which is...

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The 3 Most Common Crowdfunding Concerns (Part 2): “It’s Too Complicated & I Don’t Have Enough Time!”

Today, OurCrowd is featuring Part 2 of a special 3-part series from Matt and Wayne, the founders of Crowdability Crowdability provides individual investors with independent research and education on equity crowdfunding. With their free service, they aim to simplify the process of discovering and evaluating crowdfunding opportunities. In this series that they’ve created especially for OurCrowd, Crowdability will address investors’ 3 most common concerns about Equity Crowdfunding. ——————————————————————— In Part 1 of this Series, we addressed a concern about whether equity crowdfunding makes sense for ordinary people who aren’t intending to invest millions. Today we’ll address another common concern – namely, that early-stage investing is too difficult, or takes too much time. These are valid questions.  Early-stage investing certainly isn’t easy… For one thing, since the companies raising funds are private, they’re not obligated to disclose details of their operations or financial results.  Gathering this critical information can be challenging and time-consuming, and interpreting it can be even harder. That said, there are many ways to make the process faster and easier… Let’s look at three of them now....

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