Author: OurCrowd

[RO in Yahoo] How one founder navigated a highly personal product category and a major shift in focus

On this week’s episode of Found, we speak to Rob Schutz, co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Ro. Ro recently raised $500 million, bringing its total raised to date to near $1 billion. The digital healthcare startup now does everything from telehealth primary care, to operating physical pharmacies, but it originally began life as Roman, a startup addressing men’s health and, specifically, erectile dysfunction. Read...

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[OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved in Glocalist] Exclusive: E-Interview with ’Jon’ Medved, CEO of ’OurCrowd’ (Jerusalem)

Glocalist: Thank you for your time for a digital e-interview. ‘OurCrowd’ was founded in Jerusalem in 2013 and today represents one of the most successful crowdfunding platforms for equity worldwide. Can you explain to our readers in Europe what OurCrowd does exactly, milestones of your success and maybe a little bit about the vision, the spirit of the founding of ‘OurCrowd’? Read...

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[Zoomcar in Mangalorean] Affordability & Fast-Speed- Making Commuting Easier- How Rapido Bike Taxis Are Changing, The Way We Commute

Dependency on online bike service has drawn serious attention within just a few years. The main reason as a driving factor could be the burden of transport fare. And to deal with both bugly fare and huge traffic especially during rush hours, these bike services have arrived as a great saviour. That helps you to reach the destination with minimum time and at a minimal cost. Read...

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