Author: OurCrowd

IntellAct helps boats, planes and trains run on time

    OurCrowd portfolio company IntellAct offers a glimmer of hope to help the hard-pressed transportation industry cut costs as it grapples with financial challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. Improved efficiency at major logistics hubs could save billions of dollars each year and offer a lifeline to operators facing the worst financial crisis in a generation, Linda Gradstein writes in The Times of Israel. Using artificial intelligence to analyze the millions of CCTV cameras monitoring airports, sea ports and logistics hubs, IntellAct identifies operational bottlenecks and hazards, increasing efficiency and improving safety, says CEO Udi Segall. “In order to prepare an arrival flight for the next flight there are 360 discrete events that need to take place,” Segall says. “We use artificial intelligence to monitor all of these events and see if there are any delays and how to fix them.” Read More...

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Startup of the Week: AutoBrains: A new kind of AI for automotive

  The market for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is growing fast. The EU will require some ADAS features in all European cars from 2022. AutoBrains is entering the ADAS market through a partnership with Continental AG, one of the world’s largest Tier-1 automotive companies. The AutoBrains platform is based on a mature self-learning technology which mimics human perception by fusing together multiple sensor inputs including cameras, LIDAR, radar and audio, to create a single representation of space, enabling the system to handle extreme situations like heavy fog or a torrential downpour. AutoBrains competes directly with Mobileye, an Israeli company acquired by Intel for $15B. AutoBrains technology costs 33% less, using self-learning artificial intelligence technology that requires only 10% of the computing power of Mobileye’s deep-learning approach. Continental AG, a strategic investor and partner, is targeting AutoBrains’ technology for a 50-60 million vehicle market segment over the next 5-6 years and collaborating on next-generation products. AutoBrains has successfully completed proofs of concept with major car manufacturers in Europe and Asia and is in discussions with both. The company has...

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