Author: OurCrowd

[Arcadia in] How Arcadia uses tech to connect Marylanders to energy savings

You can connect it to other applications to do all sorts of useful things, from investing to transferring money to friends to budgeting and more. Once you connect your credit reports to a personal finance app, for instance, the app can provide suggestions on how to pay down debt, improve your credit, and even new credit cards or loans you might wish to consider given your credit history. Read more...

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[Flytrex in DroneDJ] Flytrex releases stats on expanding US drone delivery activity

While the development of all kinds of next-generation aviation and UAV activity merits the attention it attracts, the reality is a lot of what’s afoot is still in early-phase operation or testing. That work-in-progress status makes seeing quantified metrics in advanced applications like those released today by drone delivery specialist Flytrex particularly useful in measuring rates of progress. Read...

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