Author: OurCrowd

[Orbital Insight in Yahoo Finance] Orbital Insight Joins AWS Public Sector Partner Program

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Orbital Insight, a leader in geospatial intelligence, announced today that it has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partner Program (PSP), which recognizes APN Partners with cloud-based solutions and experience across government, space, education, and nonprofits around the world. Read more...

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[DreaMed Diabetes in Calcalist] Did you know code can kill?

We have all become accustomed to the fast pace of technology. Every developer and product manager has a duty to push forward at all times, to release the latest innovation everyone will talk about even though it may not be ready. The mentality is to bring the idea to market first and improve it later, bringing developers to the forefront. For years, the common practice in tech has found development and product teams working and building products together. Read...

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[Mermade Seafood in NoCamels] Israeli Firm Reveals Innovative Process To Commercialize Lab-Grown Seafood

The COVID-19 pandemic has given the alternative food industry a significant boost as consumers have become more interested in meat and seafood solutions that are sustainable and safer to eat. But even as lab-grown meat and other products have obtained significant backing from investors in the past few years, creating a cultured product requires ingredients, technologies, and processes that are just not cost effective. Read...

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