Author: OurCrowd

OurCrowd featured in Forbes’ “5 Most Important New Companies”

Forbes contributor Mark Fidelman featured OurCrowd among a list of the top 5 most important new companies to know from SXSW. Read the list online here or below. The 5 Most Important New Companies You Need to Know From: By Mark Fidelman, contributor | April 2nd 2013 After a month of burning up airline fossil fuels, I’ve finally landed in a place that I can tell you about some of the hottest new companies to watch. I saw most of them at Summer Camp for Hipsters or as the more civilized call it – South By SouthWest (SXSW). Anyone that has ever attended SXSW understands that it’s like high school flipped upside down. Where bullies are knocked down, jocks can’t keep up, and the cheerleading is done by the attendees. Big companies attending seemed to have a form of imposter’s syndrome as if they had expected SXSW to be incongruous with business but it was business that was incongruous with SXSW. And for some strange reason – it all worked. For me, I didn’t want to like SXSW...

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