Author: OurCrowd

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Argus featured in the Times of Israel

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Argus — an automotive-focused cybersecurity company — was featured in The Times of Israel, an English-language news website covering Israel, the region & the Jewish world. Argus Cyber Security, one of the first – and still one of the few –companies in the world to provide solutions for car security, is teaming up with cyber-security giant Check Point to provide security systems for cars. “Argus’s mission is to promote car connectivity without compromising on safety, security and privacy,” said Yoni Heilbronn, Vice President of Marketing at Argus Cyber Security. Argus raised $838,148 from OurCrowd investors in September 2015. Read more on The Times of Israel...

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The investor’s guide to the first-ever Crowdbuilding Hackathon

Next week, thousands of investors will gather together in Jerusalem for OurCrowd’s 2016 Global Investor Summit (January 25-26). They’ll be joined by top tech innovators, startups, angel investors, VCs, and other industry leaders from around the world. In addition to hosting the ‘who’s who’ of the investment world, the roster of keynote speakers, we’ll also be introducing the first-ever Crowdbuilding Hackathon. What is ‘crowdbuilding’ you ask? One of the value-adds OurCrowd offers our portfolio companies is access to a community of over 10,000 accredited investors, with their own individual expertise, networks and resources. Crowdbuilding is the term we coined to define the action of investors leveraging their professional networks to help our companies grow and prosper. Imagine what we can accomplish in portfolio growth – live. At next week’s summit, 300 investors, partners and mentors will congregate in one room to help propel the success of some amazing startups, with the power of the crowd. Here’s a brief overview of what to expect at the 2016 Crowdbuilding Hackathon: An unprecedented opportunity to get involved in some of our best portfolio companies A chance to win some...

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Looking ahead to a more connected era of healthcare

When Frederick Philips bought a small factory in the Dutch town of Eindhoven in 1891, he manufactured light bulbs and exported them globally, just as the world was embracing electrical lighting. In an unexpected twist, in a physics lab opened for research into new and improved electrical products, Philips in 1918 developed a medical X-ray tube and set off on a long journey to become one of the world’s leading diagnostic and healthcare companies. Over the years, Philips has continued to innovate, applying new technology from many disciplines to the world of healthcare. Now, more than ever, the future of healthcare is poised for a revolution; a revolution based on applying the technology of cloud computing, internet of things, and mobile apps to the healthcare sector. Just as Philip’s X-ray tube emerged from a light bulb company, modern disruptive healthcare solutions are emerging from high-tech and data-analytic companies. Such solutions have the potential not only to improve human life but will also save the United States alone as much as $300 billion a year, according to Goldman Sachs. In fact, the...

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OurCrowd’s portfolio company Cimagine featured in Dell

OurCrowd portfolio company Cimagine was featured in Dell, the company’s official blog. Cimagine hopes to boost sales and increase consumer confidence by providing a mobile platform on which to visualize merchandise three dimensionally in their intended locations. The retail industry is merging reality with the virtual world to give shoppers a taste of what they could have, such as what a new couch might look like in their living room. Augmented reality “adds something virtual to the real world” so users can see what their purchases would actually look like through their smartphones, tablets or smart glasses, noted Yoni Nevo (above), CEO and co-founder of Cimagine Media. Cimagine raised $389,071 from OurCrowd investors in July 2014. Read more on...

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The Future Mobile: Ringing in the next generation of smartphones

Before mobile phones were developed in the 1970s, dreams about handheld phones that worked anywhere and everywhere were brought to life in the world of entertainment: in the 1960s, the character Maxwell Smart often talked on his famous shoe-shaped phone in the television series GetSmart. Before that, a 1931 children’s book, Conrad’s Ride to the South, portrays a man who keeps a phone in his pocket to use while he is out and about around town. After a series of vehicle-based phone systems were developed in the 1950s, the first handheld mobile phone was introduced by Motorola in 1973; weighing more than two pounds with a battery life of only 30 minutes before needing to be recharged for a full ten hours. Not only are today’s phones a fraction of that size and able to be recharged in minutes, but are for much more than talking.  Today there are more mobile devices than people on the planet. And there is still massive potential for the mobile market, with devices on their way to replacing, at least partially, not only...

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