Author: OurCrowd

Chatbots: The Virtual Customer Service Agent of the Future

Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing areas in the high-tech sector, with large corporations like Microsoft and Facebook investing heavily in the world of virtual assistants that seem like they can do everything from paying your bills to finding the nearest open pizza place in the middle of the night. In 2014, the global artificial intelligence market was worth about $126 billion, and is expected to reach a value of $3 trillion by 2024, which means it is growing at a rate of about 36% a year, according to a report from Transparency Market Research. One of the main factors behind the expanding market is the use of so-called chatbots to help with customer service. These virtual assistants mimic customer service representatives by answering questions, giving directions, and taking orders. Not only are they available to chat with customers on company websites, eliminating customer wait-times or having to be transferred to different representatives, but chatbots are also increasingly available on mobile SMS texting, Facebook, Skype, and other messaging platforms so interacting with them is akin to chatting...

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[ReWalk in the The Times of Israel] ReWalk tech to help stroke, MS victims get moving

The ReWalk system has done wonders for quadriplegics, providing them with a method of being able to walk again – or even run a marathon, as several paralyzed individuals have done while wearing the ReWalk exoskeleton suit. Now, a version of the system will be used to help a much larger cohort – individuals who have difficulty moving about due to stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), old age, or other reasons Read more on the Times of...

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[Rewalk in Israel21c] ReWalk announces collaboration with Harvard

ReWalk Robotics of Yokneam Ilit, Israel, is collaborating with Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering to license and develop lightweight exoskeleton technologies enabling people to walk following stroke, lower limb disabilities, multiple sclerosis and other mobility limitations. This “soft suit” robotic system will be the newest development from the company, founded in 2001 with the mission of fundamentally improving quality of life for individuals with lower-limb disabilities from spinal-cord injury. Read more in...

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