Author: OurCrowd

New year, new beginnings: An intro to Venture Capital 101

Consider this your formal welcome to a new year, with new ways to consider investing. If you’ve been considering diversifying your investment portfolio with startup investing – read on for an overview of how to get started. Yet another diversification conversation Most financial professionals agree that asset allocation is one of the most important investment decisions, and many recommend diversification across asset classes, as opposed to just picking and purchasing stocks. Spreading your investments across asset classes reduces risk: Obviously, a portfolio comprised of only a few stocks and bonds is susceptible to a big hit should the market suffer a drop; or, even worse, a crash. Those who divide their investments — not only among different stocks and bonds, but other asset classes, such as cash, real estate, or short-term money market securities, for instance — won’t be as impacted by a downturn. Additionally, paying attention to the particular risk level of each investment, and balancing allocation appropriately, is a way to come out ahead. Depending on what your investment goals are – a child’s college fund vs. retirement...

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[prooV in The Jerusalem Post] ProoV: the start-up that test-drives start-ups for the world’s largest companies

ProoV is the first ever so-called “pilot-as-a-service” company, and the only one in the world currently. Herziliya-based prooV decided to revolutionize the way big companies test and acquire software solutions from start-ups by creating a platform that helps independent software vendors (ISVs) provide proof-of-concept quickly and efficiently. Read more on The Jerusalem Post...

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[CyberX in CB Insights] Cybersecurity trends

Companies to watch: Connected hardware cybersecurity CyberX- Designed specifically for Industrial Internet networks to detect abnormal behavior by analyzing the operational behavior of networks. Read more on CB Insights here. [slides...

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[Argus in CB Insights] Cybersecurity trends

Companies to watch: Connected hardware cyber security Argus Cyber Security- An automotive cybersecurity startup enabling car manufacturers to protect technologically advanced connected vehicles from attacks. Read more on CB Insights here....

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[CyberX in The Wall Street Journal] How a U.S. utility got hacked

“These kinds of campaigns are running, even as we speak,” said Omer Schneider, co-founder of CyberX, a security outfit that helps companies monitor their networks and detect intrusions. Although ransomware attacks are frustrating and expensive for the business side, the bigger threat is an attack that could give adversaries control of electricity networks, he said. Once inside a commercial network, attackers sometimes are able to download keystroke loggers and other malware that let them steal credentials conferring access to industrial control systems that operate physical equipment. Read more on The Wall Street Journal...

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