Author: OurCrowd

[MedAware in Globes] Harvard study finds MedAware cuts prescription errors

A study by Harvard Medical school has found that the algorithms developed by Israeli startup MedAware have provided a comprehensive validation of MedAware’s software, designed to eliminate prescription errors. The study analysed records from almost 800,000 patients in order to assess the efficacy of MedAware’s solution. Dr. David Bates, a leading national Patient Safety expert and opinion leader, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health said, “It has been hard to find medication errors which come completely out of the blue – likely a medication used only in pregnant women which is ordered for an elderly male – but this approach detects orders which appear to be anomalous in some way, and it represents a very exciting new way to pick these errors up before they get to the patient.” Read more on Globes...

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[Influitive in PR Newswire] Influitive launches Upshot to create authentic customer stories for B2B companies

Customers want to hear stories from peers, not brands: this is what companies can now achieve with Upshot, a new customer story generation tool from Influitive, the advocate marketing experts. Upshot helps marketers generate and spotlight authentic customer stories with ease. Influitive also announced significant advancements to its flagship advocate marketing platform, AdvocateHub. Read more on PR Newswire...

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[Zebra in Business Wire] Zebra Medical Vision announces new algorithm to detect compression and other vertebral fractures

Zebra Medical Vision ( is announcing today the latest algorithm to be included in its growing Deep Learning Imaging Analytics platform. The algorithm, capable of detecting vertebral fractures, is the latest addition to a line of automated tools that were announced in the past year, among them algorithms that automatically detect low bone mineral density, breast cancer, fatty liver, coronary artery calcium, emphysema, and more. While less than one third of vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are effectively diagnosed, VCFs are remarkably common, affecting up to one in four postmenopausal women and nearly one in seven men over the age of 65. More than two million osteoporotic fractures occur annually in the US alone, significantly impairing the lives of those affected and their families, and costing the healthcare system nearly $17 billion USD. Detection of VCFs is thus paramount in the effort to decrease osteoporotic fractures – the most morbid of which are hip fractures. Diagnosing VCFs is of critical importance for implementation of both primary therapeutic and secondary preventative interventions. Read more on Business Wire...

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[Replay Technologies in The Boston Globe] Get up close — very close — and personal with Tom Brady in new ad

Thanks to Intel, Patriots fans now know for sure what they’ve long suspected: Tom Brady’s morning routine is totally ordinary, except for his bauhaus-styled home, immaculate kitchen, and of course, being Tom Brady. In a new ad posted Friday to YouTube, the computer technology maker pitches its “360 Replay Technology” — which the company said combines images from multiple high-definition cameras into seamless footage. The ad will air during the Super Bowl. Read more on The Boston Globe...

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