Author: OurCrowd

[CyberX in Forbes] Malware that eavesdrops via computer microphones is stealing hundreds of gigs of data

CyberX, a security provider that specializes in industrial control systems (ICS) and the Internet of things, recently reported on an advanced threat called Operation BugDrop. The sophisticated malware, they say, has already exfiltrated hundreds of gigabytes worth of data. CyberX has tallied at least 70 organizations victimized by BugDrop so far. They range from a civil engineering firm to a human rights organization to newspapers. So far, the bulk of the attacks have targeted operations in Ukraine. BugDrop has also spread to other countries, including Austria, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. CyberX notes that whoever is behind BugDrop has access to significant resources, given that the malware is siphoning several gigabytes of data every day — and that data must be decrypted before it can be analyzed. Read more on Forbes...

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[OurCrowd in Forbes] Israel’s pivot to Asia unfolds with OurCrowd move to Taiwan

Continuing its pivot to Asia, Israel’s crowd financing group OurCrowd is expanding to Taiwan. This latest outreach to the fastest-growing region of the world comes as OurCrowd has inked a deal with a new financial partner, Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank. It’s good timing as Taiwan transitions from a tech power concentrated on semiconductors to hardware innovations yet without sufficient funding. Denes Ban, OurCrowd’s managing partner Asia, points out that the expansion is to help Taiwanese small and medium-sized businesses get funding, support Taiwanese investors in diversifying into global startups, and connect Israel and Taiwanese tech startups for efficiencies. Read more on Forbes...

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[OurCrowd in The Tower] “Israeli innovation is powering the American economy”: Investors descend on Jerusalem

More than 6,000 investors and entrepreneurs crammed the Israel Convention Center in Jerusalem Thursday for the annual OurCrowd Investors’ Summit, braving Jerusalem’s freezing rain to attend what was billed as the largest gathering of investors in Israeli history. Including investors from 82 countries and corporate representatives from close to 300 companies, as well as 250 venture capital firms, the convention promoted Israeli innovation in fields as diverse as agricultural, automotive, financial, medical and sports technology. The summit, which has grown sixfold since it was first held in 2015, mirrors the growth of venture capital in Israel in general, and of firms like OurCrowd, which manages a portfolio of more than $400 million invested in Israeli startups. Read more on The Tower...

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[OurCrowd in Israel21c] Why US corporate giants like Intel need fresh Israeli tech

“Many of Intel’s core products are developed in Israel,” said Joel Fisch, director of Intel Sports Group’s Technology Collaborations, speaking at a press event at the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit in Jerusalem on February 16. Representatives of some 200 multinationals were there to scout out Israeli talent and build on existing relationships. Read more on Israel21c...

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