Author: OurCrowd

[Engie in The Jerusalem Post] This normal life: Land of cars and innovations

Engie addresses a more prosaic safety concern: keeping your car’s engine in tip-top shape. All cars manufactured in the last decade have a computer port where your mechanic can attach a device that downloads data about the vehicle’s performance, Engie’s Harel Meshulam told me. How is your gas mileage? Is the engine running too hot? Will your car pass the air pollution test? Engie puts that power in the car owner’s hands by selling a NIS 100 device that you attach by yourself. Read more on The Jerusalem Post...

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[Argus in The Jerusalem Post] This normal life: Land of cars and innovations

Argus Cyber Security tackles safety in a different way – the company specializes in preventing your car from being hacked. “We all want our cars to be fully connected,” explained the company’s CEO Ofer Ben-Noon – to the Internet, to GPS mapping, to cloud-based diagnostic systems. But that opens up the possibility of someone with ill intent taking control and, in a terrifying example, disabling your brakes on a hill. Argus works to prevent that. As autonomous driving goes mainstream, Ben-Noon pointed out, “the future will be less about traffic accidents and more about hacks.” Read more on The Jerusalem Post...

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[VocalZoom in The Jerusalem Post] This normal life: Land of cars and innovations

VocalZoom’s technology dramatically improves sound quality by distinguishing between speech and background noise. The result, says VP of product Eitan David, is that “you can carry on a conversation even with the window open.” VocalZoom was accepted into Honda’s “Xcelerator” program and, while a development deal hasn’t been inked yet, Honda has been making invaluable introductions for the VocalZoom team. Read more on The Jerusalem Post...

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[Maniv Mobility in The Jerusalem Post] This normal life: Land of cars and innovations

Investor Mike Granoff likes cars. As the head of Maniv Energy Capital, he was one of the first to put money into Better Place. Following the high-flying electric car startup’s collapse, Granoff turned his focus to the next big thing in transportation – the growing field of vehicle autonomy (i.e. driverless cars) and other ways to make driving safer and roads less congested. Read more on The Jerusalem Post...

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[OurCrowd in The National Interest] Can Israel’s high-tech sector make America great again?

Jerusalem is cold. There is a biting February wind. Nonetheless, thousands have descended on the 2017 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit near the city center. With five thousand attendees, it’s the world’s largest equity crowdfunding conference. Investors looking for everything from artificial intelligence to robotics have made the trek to Israel’s capital. Read more on The National Interest...

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