Author: OurCrowd

[Morphisec in TechWorld] String of fileless malware attacks possibly tied to single hacker group

An investigation started by security researchers from Morphisec into a recent email phishing attack against high-profile enterprises pointed to a group that uses techniques documented by several security companies in seemingly unconnected reports over the past two months. “During the course of the investigation, we uncovered a sophisticated fileless attack framework that appears to be connected to various recent, much-discussed attack campaigns,” Michael Gorelik, Morphisec’s vice president of research and development, said in a blog post. “Based on our findings, a single group of threat actors is responsible for many of the most sophisticated attacks on financial institutions, government organizations, and enterprises over the past few months.” Read more on TechWorld...

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[OurCrowd in Crowdfund Insider] Intel bought Mobileye for $15.3 Billion. OurCrowd believes three of their CarTech companies may be next for big success

OurCrowd, a leading global equity crowdfunding platform also sees the future in autonomous driving technology and they highlight three of their portfolio companies: Engie, Argus, and VocalZoom. Engie is Waze founder Uri Levine’s company project, a car diagnostics app and mechanic marketplace, which is launching in the UK. Argus Cyber Security is an independent automotive cyber security company and VocalZoom is described as “Siri for cars.” Read more on Crowdfund Insider...

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[OurCrowd in ABC News] Israeli tech firms revving up engines for self-driving cars

“The deal confirms Israel’s global leadership position in autonomous driving technologies,” said Jon Medved, chief executive of OurCrowd, a venture firm with investments in the sector. “The deal will also increase attention and funding for the already burgeoning Israeli cohort of next generation autonomous driving technology startups.” Read more on ABC News...

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[Zebra in Yahoo Finance] Intermountain Healthcare chooses Zebra Medical Vision to deploy enterprise imaging analytics

Zebra-Med’s Analytics Engine receives imaging data and analyzes it for findings indicative of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic and bone health. Those findings will be used by Intermountain to identify patients at risk and optimize care. As Zebra-Med’s Engine grows with new insights it will be able to provide increasingly comprehensive reports that will allow more accurate, cost effective patient treatment. In addition to empowering physicians with clinical insights, Zebra-Med’s analytics engine can scan across large imaging archives past and present, to assist at-risk organizations in understanding the underlying risk profile of their patients. These population-level insights on long term, chronic diseases can then be translated to early detection and intervention, with significant positive effects on the quality and cost of patient care. Read more on Yahoo Finance...

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[Zebra in The Huffington Post] Taking AI Driven Imaging Analysis Into The Mainstream

Recently CB Insights listed what it believed to be the 100 most exciting AI based companies in the world. Proudly taking its place in the healthcare category was American imaging company Zebra Medical Vision. The company specialize in analyzing medical images using deep learning based technology. We have seen the potential of such analysis via a number of high profile examples from tech giants such as Google DeepMind and IBM Watson, both of whom have been able to use artificial intelligence to provide rapid, accurate diagnoses of a range of medical images. Read more on The Huffington Post...

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