Author: OurCrowd

[Argus in Yahoo Finance] Argus Cyber Security working with Bosch to promote public safety and mitigate car hacking

Argus Cyber Security, the world’s largest independent automotive cyber security company, and Bosch, the global supplier of technology and services, announced today that security vulnerabilities were found by Argus researchers in the Bosch Drivelog Connector dongle and in its authentication process with the Drivelog Connect smartphone application which enabled the researchers to take control of a car via Bluetooth. Following a responsible disclosure made by Argus to Bosch, their Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) took decisive and immediate action to address the vulnerabilities. Read more on Yahoo Finance...

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[CrediFi in PR Newswire] First data-driven marketplace for commercial real estate loans speeds process to finance commercial properties

CrediFi has already made the commercial real estate market more transparent, by providing data about more than two million properties and thirteen trillion dollars in loans across the U.S. Now CredifX is taking that transparency revolution one step further. In addition to accessing information about commercial real estate finance through the CrediFi platform, CRE borrowers, brokers and lenders will now have unprecedented access to financing opportunities allowing them to close real estate deals through CredifX, CrediFi’s latest fintech solution. Read more on PR Newswire...

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