Author: OurCrowd

Introducing OurNetwork

The foundations on how companies gain traction and work towards success are being upended. Rather than slowly moving forward in the eventual hope of gaining enough traction to connect to the right players in the field, OurCrowd is working to push both multi-national companies and innovative startups into strategic working relationships from the get go, leveling the playing field and mutually benefiting both. Leveraging OurCrowd’s connection has always been the backbone of supporting portfolio companies, and the time has come to formalize it. We are pleased to be launching OurNetwork, a platform to strengthen and build strategic partnerships between MNCs and the startup ecosystem. OurNetwork is already beginning to bear fruit, providing much needed direct access to technological breakthroughs and established companies. For example, New Zealand utility giant Vector was looking to access cutting edge breakthroughs around utilities. Through OurCrowd, they met portfolio company Mprest, a leading player in IIoT, resulting in a 2017 agreement to bring the “internet of energy” to over a million of Vector’s customers. Establishing a line of communication between the OurCrowd portfolio leader and...

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[Intendu in Israel21c] Dad’s brain injury leads to daughter’s brain-rehab startup

After her father suffered a brain injury, Israeli neuroscientist Son Preminger noted deficiencies in the rehabilitation process and felt a calling to correct them. Preminger invited a group of fellow neuroscientists, clinicians and engineers to join her in founding Intendu, a startup that has developed cloud-based software comprised of motion-based adaptive video games for brain training and rehabilitation. It runs on a 3D camera console that connects via cable to a TV or computer screen. Read more on Israel21c...

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[OurCrowd in FinSMES] OurCrowd Launches OurNetwork Program Matching Corporations with Israel-Based Startups

OurCrowd, a Jerusalem, Israel-based global equity crowdfunding firm, has launched a new collaboration program. Led by Laly David, OurCrowd Business Development Partner, OurNetwork will leverage OurCrowd’s global network to give multinationals access to Israel’s tech startup community and to stay ahead of the latest innovation trends globally. Corporations will get access to OurCrowd’s portfolio of startups and deal flow pipeline and, alternatively, startups in OurCrowd’s portfolio will gain access to a platform of over 200 multinational corporations, mentors, industry experts, and the 20,000-member OurCrowd investor community. 25 global corporations including Honda, GE, Samsung Ventures Israel, Intuit, SAP, Autodesk, and YESBank have already signed up. Read more on FinSMES...

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[Agentology in Benzinga] Agentology, a Powerful Lead Qualification Service and Referral Network for Real Estate Agents, Raises $4.5 Million

Agentology, a lead qualification service and referral network for real estate agents, raised $4.5 million to invest in more technology and to scale its service to the country’s top agents and teams. The financing was led by Freestyle Capital, with participation from Entry Ventures Group and OurCrowd, attracting advisors including Allan Dalton, former president and CEO of, and Steve Rodgers, former president and CEO of Prudential California Realty. Read more on Benzinga...

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