Author: OurCrowd

[Global Kinetics in PR Newswire] Global Kinetics Corp Secures First US Patent For Its Digital Health System

Melbourne, Australia and Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Global Kinetics Corporation (GKC), a digital health company revolutionizing the management of Parkinson’s disease, announced today it has recently received Notice of Allowance for U.S. patent application 12/997540, protecting the company’s lead product, the Personal KinetiGraph™ (PKG™) (Parkinson’s Kinetigraph™ outside of the U.S.) system, which the company is marketing in the U.S. The patent application pertains to the objective measurement of bradykinesia. Bradykinesia, or slowness of movement, is one of the most common symptoms, and a defining feature, of Parkinson’s disease. The capacity to continuously measure this movement symptom underpins the PKG system. Read m ore on PR Newswire...

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Amazon and Whole Foods: What We Learned About Corporate Innovation

The following is an excerpt from the OurNetwork Q2 Innovation Report, downloadable here. Amazon and Whole Foods: What We Learned About Corporate Innovation By Yehoshua Zlotogorski When does staying ahead of your competitors require inventing something new and when is M&A enough? Where do we draw the line between technological innovation and business model innovation? Let’s take a look through the lens of the recent Amazon-Whole Foods (WFM) tie in, and shed some new light on this acquisition. It’s all about the kale chips Let’s start with the why. Before jumping into what I think is the real reason (spoiler alert), I’ll touch on the mainstream narrative I’ve read over and over, which has mainly been about “Amazon eating the world” and how Amazon is playing offense in same-day delivery with this acquisition. WFM gives Amazon two main things: real estate in populated areas and a grocery arm large enough to supply Amazon Fresh. The real estate play has clear synergies: Amazon now has 400 stores located in prime (pun intended) locations, able to serve as hubs for other...

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[MUV Interactive in GQ] This tiny gadget will turn your wall into a touchscreen (kind of)

The world’s been smitten with touch screens ever since Steve Jobs made it an everyday utility with the first iPhone back in 2007. But while the remarkable tech has made all our lives easier, touchscreens have so far been restricted to specific types of gadgets ranging from the smartphone to super-expensive LED TVs. But what if you could turn your wall (or any surface you’re staring at for that matter) into a touchscreen? If that sounds a little too futuristic, there’s a new wearable gadget in the market that’s doing just that. Read more on GQ...

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