Author: OurCrowd

Global Innovation Trends: How corporations are responding

Global Innovation Trends: How Corporations are Responding By Jonathan Pressman  In a world of rapidly advancing technologies, it seems no industry is safe from disruption. Large businesses once thought “too big to fail” are now being forced to keep up with the times or suffer the consequences of being undercut by opportunistic startups. With so many new technologies coming to market, it’s important to know how established corporations are reacting. Here, we examine how some of the world’s most well-known corporations are innovating to keep pace with the rise of autonomous vehicles, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Like what you are reading? Our Q3 Corporate Innovation Report is out now.  Autonomous Vehicles The advent of autonomous vehicles arguably represents the greatest innovation in the automotive industry since Ford’s creation of the assembly line in 1913. Here’s a quick rundown of what some of the largest OEMs are doing: In a 2017 report by Navigant Research, Ford ranked number one in the autonomous vehicle race.[1] Ford is tackling the entire autonomous stack from sensors to control systems and fleets. The US...

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