Author: OurCrowd

[Anodot in PR Newswire] ARIMA on steroids: Anodot gets new U.S. patent for lightning-fast anomaly detection solution

ASHBURN, Va., July 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Anodot, the business monitoring company, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company a patent for a new algorithm that vastly improves the speed and reduces the computational cost of its anomaly detection offering. The algorithm boosts the industry-leading (seasonal) ARIMA model for estimating anomalies in time series data, reducing runtime by 99.98% and slashing the expense of running the model by up to 80%, enabling Anodot to better protect its customers’ bottom lines. Read more...

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[Ravin AI in CTECH] “Once you dive in from your starting point, you suddenly realize there’s this whole world of opportunity.”

Every entrepreneur needs a starting point, shares Eliron Ekstein, but from there, you find an even bigger world of opportunity. His starting point came from looking for ways to expand services at Shell gas stations and realizing that AI car inspections could help the drivers there. The idea blossomed into RAVIN.AI, where Ekstein is now CEO. With the RAVIN platform, a car’s physical condition can be assessed via a web tool and algorithm. This helps fleet managers and car rental companies save time and register damage and also helps people gather more information on a used car remotely, he shares. By doing more thorough research before seeing the car physically, purchasers can save time, effort, and emotional investment in the process. This allows a final decision to be made more quickly. Ekstein is excited about the automotive space because the impact on people and the economy is huge. Read more...

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