Author: OurCrowd

Angel Investing: A Three-Part Guide to Earning Your Wings | Strategy (3/3)

Angel investors dream of finding and investing early in the next Uber, Airbnb, Waze, or Mobileye. While it’s easy to get seduced by the hype, serial startup investors know it is hard to be successful in this asset class. With the help of members of OurCrowd’s experienced investment team and other industry resources, we have put together a quick, three-part guide to ‘earning your wings’. These articles highlight essential terms and strategies while referencing accepted industry best practices; with these basics in hand, getting started in startup investing can be a lot smoother. Part 1: The Basics | Part 2: Risky Business | Part 3: Strategy Part 3: Strategy Diversify One of the most important rules of investing is diversification. The more companies you invest in, the greater chance there is at least one “winner” in your portfolio to give you the return you’re looking for. In angel investing, you could focus on diversifying based on company industry, and business stage. Some experts say that 10-15 companies is the minimum sweet spot for building a strong portfolio, while the Monte Carlo...

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