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Startup Roundup

Israeli app, Moovit, breaks the 1 million user barrier

Moovit, an Israeli app that helps you find your way home on public transportation in the least busy (and therefore, least painful) way possible, now has more than one million users around the world. Moovit, like Israeli app Waze, bundles real-time public transportation info with crowdsourced data. To read more about public transportation’s answer to Waze, click here.

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Tuesday, June 18th 2013

Technology Corner

Stratasys wins internationally-renowned competition

Stratasys, the leading manufacturer of 3D printers, was awarded the coveted Gold Award at this year’s Concours Lepine International Inventions Exhibition held in France. To read more about Stratasys’s award, click here.

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 Trending Israeli Entrepreneurs

One-on-One with Soluto founder and CEO, Tomer Dvir

From Soulto’s new Tel Aviv offices on Rothschild Boulevard, Tomer Dvir discusses the journey that led him to become an award-winning Israeli innovator. Founded in January 2008, Tomer’s startup, Soluto, creates IT software to manage personal computers, unobtrusively and remotely, from any device. To read more about Tomer and Soluto, click here.

Zula’s Jacob Ner-David discusses future of team collaboration

OurCrowd portfolio company CEO, Jacob Ner David found time to sit with our own Zack Miller to discuss teamwork and his hopes for changing the way businesses — and people — collaborate. To read the highlights and listen to the full interview with Zula’s CEO, click here.

From Beijing to Jerusalem: Why I chose an internship in Israel

OurCrowd’s Amy Sheng, a student at Yale University, explains what makes someone originally from China decide to travel 7,125 kilometers across the globe to Jerusalem for a summer internship program with OurCrowd. To read the full story, click here.

OurCrowd’s News Nuggets


Wix files registration statement with the SEC to go public (TheNextWeb)
Israel’s Glide aims to replace texting with “video-walkie-talkie” (NoCamels)
MoMA acquires Israeli designer’s earthquake proof table (Israel21C)
Protect your online information with MyPermissions (TheNextWeb)
Fiverr launches slicker look & more buyer/seller tools (TechCrunch)
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