Does technology seem to be getting bigger and better by the day? To us it looks our ordinary ‘things’ are actually getting smarter.

If you haven’t heard the term by now, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the growing trend of machine-to-machine connectivity, where Internet-enabled “dumb” devices have a network connection to collect and utilize actionable intelligence about everyday life.

Over the past year, there has been a growing amount of impressive IoT activity in the startup world, and OurCrowd’s IoT portfolio represents a variety of companies supporting the greater IoT ecosystem.

To capture the scope of this emerging world of connected devices, here’s an infographic to provide some insights into the scope of Internet of Things and location-based technologies.

Does this infographic seem ‘smart’ to you? Share if you find it helpful!

infographics_IoT - FINAL v2.min

To find out more about IoT technology and other investment opportunities on our platform, contact our Investor Relations team or visit our website.