Tag: Clipfort

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Clipfort featured in Bloomberg Business

OurCrowd’s portfolio company Clipfort was featured in Bloomberg Business, a leading online business and finance magazine. ClipFort has developed a Biometric ammunition Magazine, providing a comprehensive firearm safety solution that protects people from unauthorized use of guns. Clipfort’s sensor-equipped magazines have fingerprint identification to prevent an unauthorized user from loading ammunition. The biometrics, built into the clip, are being designed for most guns, the company says. Clipfort raised $1,566,007 from OurCrowd investors in January 2015. Read more on Bloomberg Business here....

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What we’re investing in: Current investment opportunities on OurCrowd (Sep.-Oct. 2014)

Over the course of the past two years, OurCrowd along with our community of 5,000 investors have invested $65 million in our 50 portfolio companies. This unprecedented access to early stage investments has made startups an investable asset that is now being included in investor portfolios, just like stocks and bonds. In order to give you a little preview of all the excitement happening on the OurCrowd platform, we’ve decided to publish a monthly digest of our currently funding companies. (To become an OurCrowd member, join us free of charge.) Without further ado, here are the most recent funding OurCrowd companies: Clipfort – Securing firearms with biometric authentication Clipfort developed a patented gun magazine that requires the owner’s unique fingerprint to unlock and fire the weapon. Global gun violence has been on a steady rise over the past few years and is responsible for 85 deaths on average per day in the United States alone. Nearly 18 thousand of these victims are children and teenagers who had unwarranted access to guns. To solve this crisis, current solutions require gun owners...

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