The Perfect Pitch: 20 tips to make a killer impression on a VC

Nowadays it isn’t easy pitching to VCs. With the demand for series A venture capital soaring but the supply remaining steady, startups are finding it increasingly difficult to go out and make a successful fundraising pitch. An unsuccessful pitch can be the result of something as fundamental as a small addressable market or as mundane as the partner at the VC being distracted by his cell phone during the presentation a la Nikola Tesla Pitching Silicon Valley VCs. There is no guaranteed recipe for success when making a pitch (and here is how we choose startup investments at OurCrowd), but here are some tips and resources that can help: The first step is getting in the door. Tactics that have worked on us in the past include bringing a celebrity musician to put on a live show in the office and offering to bring pizza. On a related note, always be friendly to the administrative assistants. They are the gatekeepers. Create an effective presentation. Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule is a good place to start: ten slides, twenty minutes, and no font smaller than thirty points. Pitches should address...

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